Many of you have asked about Titus' family - Where do they live? What do they do? Etc. Here, we introduce you to Titus' parents, five younger brothers, sisters-in-law, and nephews - our beautiful family in Cambodia, who we miss very much and pray for daily.
Dad's name is Romdenh Chamnan (in Cambodian culture, the family name is before the given name). Pak (Dad) is a hard-working man who is currently working as a foreman in a rural province more than five hours from the rest of our family in Phnom Penh. He has skills in architectural engineering, but it became difficult for him to find work in Phnom Penh when computers began to replace hand-drawings. Earlier this week, Pak was very, very sick and we were afraid we wouldn't see him again. While there is still risk of complications and a reoccurrence of his sickness, he is now recovering at home and we have hope that he will greet us when we return to Cambodia soon! "Ta" is the Cambodian name for Grandpa, and Sophear loves her Ta! Pak's family is Catholic.
Mom's name is Hem Sokly (in Cambodian culture, women do not take their husband's name). Mak (Mom) has always been a stay-at-home mom, raising six sons and caring for our home. Mak's family is Buddhist.
Chamraun is 33-years-old and drives a motorcycle taxi (called a moto dop). When we visited Cambodia with Sophear in October/November 2015, Pou (Uncle) Raun was Sophear's favorite uncle because he gave her the most/best attention. When we went to Angkor Wat for family vacation, Sophear spent most of the 7-hour drive on Chamraun's lap, and when we were touring the temples in very hot weather, I was very grateful for Pou Raun and all the uncles who had fun carrying her!
Chamnieng is 31-years-old and is married to Bopha and has two sons, Chamroat and Reaksmey. Chamroat is maybe 13-years-old and Reaksmey (pictured) maybe 9-years-old. Chamnieng washes dishes at a restaurant and Bopha is a garment worker (makes clothes in a factory). They want to have a daughter one day!
Chamrong is 30-years-old and is married to Chantharet. Chamnong and Chantharet have a little boy, Sovannareth, who is just 9 months younger than Sophear. Chamnong and Chantharet also hope to have a daughter one day.
Chamnong is 27-years-old and is a very hard worker. He was recently awarded "Employee of the Month" at V Hotel Phnom Penh, where he is working as bellman.
Titus' youngest brother, Chamnob, is 20-years-old and was born on Titus' 14th birthday.
Titus' family lives in Cambodia's capital city, Phnom Penh. Although Titus spent some years living in a rural province, at least three generations of his family have called Phnom Penh their home. When we move to Cambodia, we will also live in Phnom Penh. Phnom Penh is 262 mi2 and is home to more than 1.5 million people. We're not sure how close we'll live to our family, but we're excited to share life with them again!
As you can see, it is a family of BOYS! Titus parents have six sons, four grandsons, and SOPHEAR! She's a pretty special girl!
Please pray for our family - Pak and Mak, Chamraun, Chamnieng and Bopha, Chamrong and Chantharet, Chamnong, and Chamnob - because they are not Christians. We pray that God will use Sophear, Chamnab, Titus, and I to open their hearts to Christ.
Dad's name is Romdenh Chamnan (in Cambodian culture, the family name is before the given name). Pak (Dad) is a hard-working man who is currently working as a foreman in a rural province more than five hours from the rest of our family in Phnom Penh. He has skills in architectural engineering, but it became difficult for him to find work in Phnom Penh when computers began to replace hand-drawings. Earlier this week, Pak was very, very sick and we were afraid we wouldn't see him again. While there is still risk of complications and a reoccurrence of his sickness, he is now recovering at home and we have hope that he will greet us when we return to Cambodia soon! "Ta" is the Cambodian name for Grandpa, and Sophear loves her Ta! Pak's family is Catholic.
Mak on left; Aunt on right |
Chamnieng is 31-years-old and is married to Bopha and has two sons, Chamroat and Reaksmey. Chamroat is maybe 13-years-old and Reaksmey (pictured) maybe 9-years-old. Chamnieng washes dishes at a restaurant and Bopha is a garment worker (makes clothes in a factory). They want to have a daughter one day!

Chamnong is 27-years-old and is a very hard worker. He was recently awarded "Employee of the Month" at V Hotel Phnom Penh, where he is working as bellman.
Titus' youngest brother, Chamnob, is 20-years-old and was born on Titus' 14th birthday.
Titus' family lives in Cambodia's capital city, Phnom Penh. Although Titus spent some years living in a rural province, at least three generations of his family have called Phnom Penh their home. When we move to Cambodia, we will also live in Phnom Penh. Phnom Penh is 262 mi2 and is home to more than 1.5 million people. We're not sure how close we'll live to our family, but we're excited to share life with them again!
As you can see, it is a family of BOYS! Titus parents have six sons, four grandsons, and SOPHEAR! She's a pretty special girl!
Please pray for our family - Pak and Mak, Chamraun, Chamnieng and Bopha, Chamrong and Chantharet, Chamnong, and Chamnob - because they are not Christians. We pray that God will use Sophear, Chamnab, Titus, and I to open their hearts to Christ.
To see Christ glorified in our family
and in Cambodia,
Titus, Jewel, Sophear, & Chamnab