Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The reality of our transition is growing every day

Last week, we moved our family and a week's worth of stuff into a guest room at The Abbott Center, a building on the campus of World Gospel Mission Headquarters in Marion, Indiana.  Packing for a week away was a great opportunity for a "trial run" before we pack for a MONTH away in North Carolina next month.  We quickly realized that we need a better strategy for packing our things into  luggage (read: luggage not multiple small bags!) and then into the trunk and beneath Sophear and Chamnab's dangling feet.

I already miss Pam! (Seated on the floor beside me)
At the Abbott Center, we joined four other missionary units going to other WGM fields as well as various WGM leaders including the regional directors for Africa, North and Central America, South America, and Europe/Asia/the Pacific (that's us!)  Like us, the other four families were there because they have a team of awesome people behind them, championing their cause and their ministry on the American Indian Field, at Tenwek hospital in Kenya, and in Peru.  They've worked hard and long to raise support and, like us, they're ready to transition to their fields in September or October.

Chamnab and new friend, Hannah (MK to Kenya)
Titus and Jesus (Cambodian missionary to Cambodia and Peruvian missionary to Peru)
The week was called "Orientation Camp" and we attended more than 20 sessions on 20+ topics including WGM's history, policies and procedures, as well as family challenges, cultural adaptations, second language acquisition, child protection, safety, and more.  We are grateful for the knowledge and experiences shared with us by our regional directors, who combined have more than 100 years of experience in Bolivia, Honduras, Kenya, Japan, and their regions.

Lots of learning! (And lots of notes!)
We left on Friday afternoon feeling better prepared for the impending transition and challenges, empowered (despite being the only WGM missionaries in SE Asia), inspired by our veteran regional directors, supported by our WGM family, commissioned to serve, and simply blessed to spend a week with people who have faced or are facing what we're facing.

Sophear playing outside with the big boys!
We began our support-raising journey at WGM with a week-long orientation in January 2016 and now we are approaching 100% and the culmination of our support-raising and our big transition to Cambodia.  So much has happened since our first orientation.  God has taken us on an incredible journey of faith.  We have spoken at more than 40 churches and venues and met many wonderful people.  Many people have gotten us to this point - giving generously, praying over our family, hosting us, and advocating for our ministry.  Our team is growing and we are thankful for each one supporting our ministry in Cambodia!  Thank you for your partnership!  Thank you for sending us, for walking beside us, for going with us!

Sophear and Chamnab's "classroom"
The reality of our transition is growing every day.  Yesterday, as I was unhanging our wedding portrait and framed vows, I paused to reflect on the last 5.5 years of marriage.  When Titus proposed on December 26, 2010, we both knew God was calling us to return to Cambodia.  We're finally here - packing, preparing, and watching ticket prices.

We’re at 78%!  Would you prayerfully considering investing in us and in our ministry to Cambodia? We’re almost there, but we still need more help! Visit or click the button below.

Support us financially!

To see Christ glorified in Cambodia,
Titus, Jewel, Sophear, & Chamnab

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Two colliding journeys and one mission

The week of January 11, 2016, my family and I began two very important journeys. First, we attended a week-long orientation for beginning our support-raising journey as missionary disciples with World Gospel Mission. On Tuesday, January 12, BI-5527 Christian Character and TH-5525 Theological Foundations for Biblical Interpretation opened - my first two Masters in Applied Biblical Studies courses at Moody Bible College. (I was also plagued with morning sickness that week, but that’s not important for this conversation.)

Yesterday, I started one of my final courses: BI-6618 Interpreting Apocalyptic Literature. This means that I’m finally in Revelations, the last book of the Bible and my last content course for my masters degree! After finishing Apocalyptic Literature, I have one week to submit a portfolio and then an 8-week capstone course and I’m done on October 9!

It has been a very challenging journey to mange coursework on top of many other responsibilities including family, work, housework and cooking, and support-raising; but the Lord has been faithful and has given me a supernatural strength way beyond my own strength. With God’s help, I functioned many days on five hours of sleep. The two coinciding journeys has been one of emotional and spiritual growth, of gaining knowledge and becoming empowered.

On Sunday night, we’re moving back into a guest room at WGM for a week-long orientation on life as a WGM missionary! We’ll be talking about boundaries, relationships, family challenges, cultural adaptations, child safety, networking and resources, medical care, etc etc etc. We’ll be there with four other new missionary families, as well as several WGM leaders. Like us, the other four missionary families here are here because they have a team of awesome people behind them! Thank you for being our team of awesome people! Thank you for your faith in us! Thank you for empowering us to be obedient to God’s call to “Go and make disciples!

We’re at 76%. Would you prayerfully considering investing in us and in our ministry to Cambodia? We’re almost there, but we still need more help! Visit or click the button below.
Support us financially!

To see Christ glorified in Cambodia,
Titus, Jewel, Sophear, & Chamnab