In his popular book The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman identifies the following five ways to express or communicate love: words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, quality time, and physical touch. According to Chapman (and we agree), each person has a primary love language that we must learn to speak if we want that person to feel loved. From Chapman's list, my primary and secondary love languages are quality time and words of affirmation; however, I want to suggest a sixth love language - loving my child.
My love tank is filled as I watch our family, friends, and church community pour love into Sophear. By investing in and loving Sophear, you are edifying our whole family!
Sophear is a special girl. She's full of joy, full of laughter, full of life, full of energy, and full of love. She's the sweetest thing and so hilarious! On Thursday, she turned two-years-old.
Sophear Jane's name means "Beautiful Gift from God" - and she is! She has only been a tremendous blessing in our lives and I'm certain the Lord is going to use her spirit and determination to bless others. The Lord has called us to His ministry and He has given us Sophear; we're confident that He has also called her into His ministry in Cambodia, even if only for the time that she is in our home.
Will you join us in praying for Sophear as she journeys with us?
Like many other babies, our girl was born with a hole in her heart called a PDA. Unlike most of those other babies, Sophear's hole has never closed. At nine-months-old, her pediatrician told us, "If this hole was going to close on it's own, it would have by now." We were sent to a pediatric cardiologist (Dr. Kumar) at Peyton Manning Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. He explained that since Sophear was not having any complications, he wanted to wait until she's 3+-years-old to do surgery. Last month, a year after her first appointment, Dr. Kumar discovered that Sophear's heart is enlarged (due to increased blood flow) and he wants to do surgery now.
Will you join us in praying for Sophear's heart? For Dr. Kumar? For wisdom as we make decisions regarding her surgery?
Thank you family and friends for loving our girl, for loving us, for investing in our family and in our ministry.
My love tank is filled as I watch our family, friends, and church community pour love into Sophear. By investing in and loving Sophear, you are edifying our whole family!

Sophear Jane's name means "Beautiful Gift from God" - and she is! She has only been a tremendous blessing in our lives and I'm certain the Lord is going to use her spirit and determination to bless others. The Lord has called us to His ministry and He has given us Sophear; we're confident that He has also called her into His ministry in Cambodia, even if only for the time that she is in our home.
Will you join us in praying for Sophear as she journeys with us?
Like many other babies, our girl was born with a hole in her heart called a PDA. Unlike most of those other babies, Sophear's hole has never closed. At nine-months-old, her pediatrician told us, "If this hole was going to close on it's own, it would have by now." We were sent to a pediatric cardiologist (Dr. Kumar) at Peyton Manning Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. He explained that since Sophear was not having any complications, he wanted to wait until she's 3+-years-old to do surgery. Last month, a year after her first appointment, Dr. Kumar discovered that Sophear's heart is enlarged (due to increased blood flow) and he wants to do surgery now.
Will you join us in praying for Sophear's heart? For Dr. Kumar? For wisdom as we make decisions regarding her surgery?
Thank you family and friends for loving our girl, for loving us, for investing in our family and in our ministry.
To see Christ glorified in Cambodia,
Titus, Jewel, & Sophear
Titus, Jewel, & Sophear
Yes, I will pray for your girl!